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Sunday March 27, 2022 stacysue

The “Butterfly Effect”

We take a moment,

or many more,

to understand.

We softly journey down your winding path that unexpectedly drew you here.

Each word and action, deliberate

and meditated upon


or by a whim

giving guidance and hope.

Sometimes we stand idle,

At others, whole and visible.

Moving with grace,

in and out of rhythm.

Mine or yours, little ones or not so little ones.

Gradually, we ascend.

Inspired to reach a final destination, sight unseen,

knowing that there is the chance that these small meaningful moments, together,

created with gentleness and poise, are

the “butterfly effect.”

Opening. Closing.

An unknowing transformation, at times through chaos,

to what

you, (and I)

your child,

your family,


may become.


The “butterfly effect” is the conceptualization in Chaos Theory that one small flutter of a butterfly’s wings can create a momentous unpredictable change. It is my hope that through our work together a “butterfly effect” unfolds in ways that bring you peace, light and joy.


Author: Stacy Sue Rosello, MA, OTR/L

Founder, Embrace the Child, ® Ltd.

Editor: Grace Anne Rosello, BA

Copyright © 2022 Stacy Sue Rosello

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