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Tuesday November 9, 2021 stacysue

One Small Room.


One small room becomes a haven. A place of refuge. Or a faraway land. It becomes a creative art studio in vast and small ways through literal and figurative means. Masterpieces form. It is a place of self-discovery. Our time and activity are inherent, intrinsically motivated and integrated, a practice of sorts, for beyond the walls.


It is more than a clinic. It is a studio. The palpable warmth bids entering and embodies welcome. This studio is filled with vivid colors, sunbeams, rhythmic rebound, somersaulting and darting, soft, fuzzy and weighted textures, heaviness, hints of lavender, high pitched squeals, soft soothing sounds…quiet.


Blocks become lively castles or tumbling whirls of upheaval, enlisting imagination, and navigating cooperation and competitions. Long tunnels draw in curious movement or peace. Crayolas open up blueprints for the mind and symbols for your story. Dolls, cars, scarves, and parachutes, clay evolve into play. Tales develop in ways that only a child realizes. We go along for the profound journey.


Its four modest walls offer a place to “be” and to “do” and to experience all robust sensations. The space opens up feelings of the self within and the world around us. Laughter and giggles, dizzy nausea, twisted insides, fog, and melancholy. Clarity. It is a place of tears and joy, and sometimes starlit magic, but most importantly, connection. Humanity, and Humanness.


This room welcomes all.


Words are expressed of the past. The present and future unfold in a deliberate yet unrestricted manner. It holds moments, treasured, at times incongruent, all authentic. Families enfold one another into being. The atmosphere envelopes a therapeutic process, but more importantly relationships and life.


This one small room has distinct meaning to each who enters and to each who departs.


It is my true honor and pleasure to witness the creation of meaning of my ETC space which becomes your very own, in whatever way is unique to your child and family. Opening the door reveals endless possibilities.




Author: Stacy Sue Rosello, MA, OTR/L

Founder, Embrace the Child, ® Ltd.

Editor: Grace Anne Rosello, BA

Copyright © 2021 Stacy Sue Rosello

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